
  • Q. What tuition assistance options does WDS offer?

    WDS提供基于收入的学费上限计划. 我们为这个项目感到非常自豪, which has allowed about 70% of WDS families who receive tuition assistance to do so in a streamlined manner without completing a scholarship application. 唯一需要的文件是1040表格. 因为我们在2019年实施了这个项目, Jewish day schools around the country have reached out to us for assistance setting up similar programs. 对于需要更多帮助的家庭, we also offer a traditional scholarship application process.
  • Q. How does the income-based tuition cap program work?

    如果你的调整后总收入(AGI)是250美元,000或以下, 你付房租, 每名注册儿童的全包费用, 按照下面的时间表. 

     甘农(Tot's tastic, 3's and 4's)
    2nd & 三年级
    4th & 五年级
    6日,7日 & 8年级

    如果你的AGI超过250美元,000, our proven formula caps your total day school tuition obligation as a percentage of your AGI (up to a 40% discount) We take into account high school tuitions as well, and your obligation to WDS is a pro rata share of the capped amount. Use our online tuition calculator to determine your WDS obligation based on your AGI, 您孩子在WDS的成绩, and any yeshiva high school obligations you have.
  • Q. What documentation is required to participate in the income-based tuition cap program?

    只要你最近的两张1040表格. All financial information is kept in strict confidence.
  • Q. Is there an asset test for the income-based tuition cap program?

    No. The program is based entirely on AGI (adjusted gross income).
  • Q. Are the reductions under the income-based tuition cap program automatic?

    The reductions are subject to review and confirmation by WDS’s Executive Director and/or 奖学金 Committee. Absent an unusual circumstance, the obligation is confirmed promptly, usually within a day or two.
  • Q. If I use the income-based tuition cap program, do I still have to pay a security fee?

    There is no separate security fee for those with AGI of $250,000或以下. The tuition schedule in this income range is all-inclusive. There is a $1,250 per family security fee for those with AGI over $250,000.




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.